Minggu, 30 Agustus 2015

Green Canyon from Bojonegoro
waterfall kedung maor temayang

 Bojonegoro still from now I will bring information to you  lovers feel of nature. some time ago I have given an article about the waterfall krondonan gondang and today still regard the waterfall called "waterfall kedung maor temayang bojonegoro, and I call it green canyon from bojonegoro". The distance from the waterfall krondonan - + 24.5 km and can be reached by 55 minutes, from the center of information maor.

Bojonegoro district a lot of potential natural attractions. One of them Kedungmaor River located in the village Ngansaeng, District Temayang, Bojonegoro.

Not many people know the place, because it requires extra effort hard to get to the location Kedungmaor River. Besides hilly, steep rocky road four wheel drive also made it difficult to reach locations. Nonetheless, the resort is now also began crowded with people.

This was revealed by park rangers located in the tourist attractions Kedung maor. two years ago the most crowded visitors reached 15-30 people, but today every day, visitors can reach 50 people.

"If Sunday visitors can reach 100 people, or even more," said one of the officers in the parking lot between busy attract visitors parking ticket.

He explained that in fact this Kedungmaor nice tourist spot, only access road used inadequate, so it makes people lazy to come to this place. "If a good access road, would be more and more visitors who come here,"

One visitor, claims often come to this place. He admitted a little disappointed because now the water Kedungmaor already somewhat brownish. This is different from the condition five years ago, where the water still looks good in blue,

" The government should be managing this place with great so visitors who come here are not disappointed, as I am today"

An alternative to a cheap tour and not have to go far away to a neighboring town for residents Bojonegoro, because the place itself has no sights very fascinating and very indulgent eye of the beholder.

Hopefully, one day, this place could be a tourist destination is maintained, far from human activity jail that normally doodled tourist areas they visited. Let us keep together these attractions from the work of people who are irresponsible and an eyesore in existing tourist attractions in our area, because if not we are aware of to keep it, who else can?

The place is located in the District Temayang, precisely in the Village Kedungsari. You can take it, approximately 1 hour from the town of Bojonegoro, or about 40 KM. Location Niagara Kedung Maor was in the middle of the woods, or rather in the forest area RPH (Resort Pemangkuaan Forest) Tretes, FMU (Forest Management Unit) Bojonegoro. This place is closer than Nganjuk of the Bojonegoro.

For access to the location is easy, you just need to walk approximately 3 minutes of post-care vehicles. Along the way, you can enjoy the beauty of the hills that line the green vast stretches as far as the eye can see.

If you intend to travel alone to the area for safety Bojonegoro then advised to report your trip to the Police upon arrival in Terminal / Station.


You can berkuliner in Warung semok which provide a variety of culinary fish of Pacal Reservoir erta can enjoy it in an unusual atmosphere, amid forests.


Bojonegoro around the city there are many inns, some of whom are already international class. Therefore, you are advised to book a package through a travel executive who will organize your trip and provide transportation and accommodation.


You can fly from Jakarta, Makassar, or Bali to Surabaya, then continue on to Bojonegoro by using the bus or railway. From here you can hire a travel agent to proceed to the venue or directly to the tourist sites.

"The government should be mengolala this place with great so visitors who come here are not disappointed, as I am today,"
                waterfall kedung maor temayang
                   waterfall kedung maor temayang
                           waterfall kedung maor temayang

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